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Working modes


Visionatrix(Vix) consists of:

  1. A server component, namely, the backend (in short - Server)
  2. A component responsible for processing tasks (in short - Worker)
  3. TaskQueue - a database (SQLite (default), PgSQL)
  4. A simple and understandable User Interface

By default, Vix launches with all components integrated (Server + Worker + UI) for quick and easy use on a single computer.

This is DEFAULT mode, in which everything is executed within a single process.

Easy installation, no need to configure, just launch and use.


There is no support for multiple users or authentication in this case, as this mode uses SQLite as a database, which is limiting. But for home use in most cases this is not necessary.


In most scenarios, including home use, you likely have more than one device capable of handling AI tasks. In such cases, it is allowed and recommended to run the server part and the AI processing part of the task separately.


SQLite is not supported as a database in this mode.

Steps to run Vix in a Server mode:

  1. Install both psycopg and greenlet python libraries:

    pip install psycopg greenlet

  2. Set VIX_MODE environment variable to SERVER

  3. Setup PostgreSQL database and set DATABASE_URI environment variable to point on it.


    PgSQL example: DATABASE_URI="postgresql+psycopg://vix_user:vix_password@localhost:5432/vix_db"

  4. Use python3 -m visionatrix create-user command to create a user in the database.

  5. Connect at least one Worker to handle task processing.

We will provide a docker-compose file soon, with full server setup to deploy it in one click.


Each worker can have a different set of tasks (Flows) installed, which is useful to avoid installing a task on a worker instance that cannot handle it. A worker will only request the tasks installed for it.

There is two worker modes, both will be described, we ourselves most use *Vix in the Worker to Server mode.

Worker to Database-FS



  1. The database used by the Server should be accessible for the worker.
  2. There should be the ability to map the Server's vix_tasks_files folder to the worker.

Set the environment variable VIX_MODE to WORKER and leave VIX_SERVER with an empty value.

In this scenario, the worker must be configured with the correct database path using the DATABASE_URI environment variable.

The format can be viewed here: SqlAlchemy Database URLs

By using the TASKS_FILES_DIR environment variable or the --tasks_files_dir argument, you can change the location of the vix_tasks_files folder.

The worker must have access to the Server's vix_tasks_files folder.

With this scaling method, workers independently retrieve tasks from the database and directly write the execution results to the servers TASKS_FILES_DIR.

In this setup, you can imagine workers as Server threads operating remotely.

See installation guide for this mode: Worker To Database-FS

Worker to Server

This method implies that the workers do not have direct access to the database or the server file system.

All communication occurs through the network, with workers accessing the server backend directly.

Set the environment variable VIX_MODE to WORKER and set VIX_SERVER with the full address of the Server(including port number).


VIX_HOST, VIX_PORT, DATABASE_URI will be ignored, as the worker in this mode does not need it.

In this use case, the vix_tasks_files directory will contain only temporary files; after uploading results to the Server, the results from the worker instance will be cleared.

For authentication on the server worker will use WORKER_AUTH environment variable, which must contain "USER_ID:PASSWORD".


Workers with an administrator account can process all tasks of all users, workers assigned to a user account can only process tasks created by that user.